5 Things Besides Wiring That Electric Contractors Do

The image of an electric contractor wiring up a building is certainly a well-earned one. However, an electric systems contractor can help you with a slew of other tasks. Let's look at 5 other jobs one can handle.

System Design

Every electrical system needs to be designed with an eye toward capacity and load issues. While people don't often think of electricity as a physical thing, it has traits that you have to deal with. The same forces that can drive a car or spin a fan can cause damage within a system that's overloaded. Similarly, trying to draw more power than a system has to offer can create problems.

It's wise to think about the demands of an electrical system before you set it up or modify it. If you need extra capacity or the ability to handle a greater load, an electric systems contractor can help you design something appropriate.

Energy Efficiency

Particularly with the arrival of energy-efficient electrical fixtures, there's a lot of room for improvement in most buildings that are at least 10 years old. Lights, switches, receptacles, and outlets all have the potential to be more efficient. A contractor can help you identify older components in a system and replace them with better ones.

Likewise, many older designs weren't meant to work with today's components. For example, popping an LED lightbulb into a fixture meant for an incandescent one can produce unpleasant light. An electric contractor can help you remove the old fixture and install one that will fit the bill.


If you're building or renovating a house, there's a good chance the electrical system will have to comply with local, state, and federal codes. An electric systems contractor can search and test for issues. As they identify compliance problems, they can remove older elements of the system and upgrade them to ones within specifications.


An electric contractor won't do the remodeling work. However, many types of renovations include electrical issues. If you're remodeling a bathroom, for example, you might need help installing a light in the shower. This means finding a solution that will work safely and consistently near water. An electric contractor can determine what solution you should use and implement it.

Prep for Demolition

When tearing down a building, it's prudent to make sure there aren't hidden electrical hazards. An electric contractor can remove wiring and components. They also can work with the electrical company to make sure the location is safely disconnected from the grid.
