How to Get Started Using Solar Energy

Solar energy is a great way to supplement or meet your energy needs. Solar energy is collected from the sun using solar panels. Since sunlight is a free, renewable source of energy, solar energy is excellent for the environment. It's also a great way to cut down on the cost of your monthly electric bill. If you're interested in taking advantage of solar energy, you should do these four things:

1. Find out if you're eligible for credits or tax breaks

Solar energy is good for the environment, so in some places, the government has created programs to incentivize its use. In some places, you can get energy credits or tax breaks for installing solar panels on your house. According to Intuit, you can get a credit for 30% of the cost of the solar panel installation. There's no downside to taking advantage of this, so find out if you're eligible. This tax credit can help you offset the cost of installing new solar panels.

2. Contact a solar company

Solar panels are sold by solar companies that also provide installation services. In order to start using solar energy, you'll need to contact one of these companies. The number of solar panels you need will depend on the size of your home as well as your energy usage. A solar company can give you a price quote based on your individual situation. An expert will come to inspect your house to make sure your roof and electrical system are compatible with solar panels. If they aren't currently compatible, the necessary upgrades will need to be made. Don't be afraid to contact several different solar companies to see where you can get the best deal.

3. Schedule the solar panel installation

Your solar company will help you apply for the necessary permits for solar energy. Once the process is completed, you can legally have solar panels installed. Your solar company will send a contractor to mount solar racks to your roof. The solar panels will be mounted onto these racks and connected to your electrical system, where they can begin to generate power.

4. Plan to keep your current electricity provider

Most people find that solar power doesn't completely fulfill their energy needs. Even in areas with lots of sunlight year-round, there will likely still be storms and days with less sunlight available. It's a good idea to continue to use your current electricity provider to fill the gaps. Most people find that their reliance on municipal power sources steeply declines following the installation of solar panels.
